Planning Division

Due to the ongoing winter storm, City facilities, including City Hall and all Parks, Recreation and Culture facilities, will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 18. This is due to the forecasted winter storm resulting in dangerous travel conditions.

Read the news release for full details >>

The City’s new permitting and licensing software, Enterprise Permitting & Licensing (EPL) is now live.

Contact Us

For Planning and Zoning questions, contact the Planner of the Day at (785) 832-7700 or

Our Offices:
6 E 6th Street
Lawrence, KS 66044

The Planning Division oversees growth and development in the City of Lawrence and Unincorporated Areas of Douglas County with respect to zoning and land use. A great deal of the division’s time is spent handling information requests from the development community, other departments, neighborhood groups, and the general public.

Submittal Applications

The Planning Division manages and processes many types of applications related to planning and zoning. Current submittals can be found here.

Planning Division Work Plan

The Planning Division prepares a work plan, which is revised annually at the Lawrence-Douglas County Planning Commission, and then considered by the Board of County Commissioners and the City Commission.

Plans and Studies

The Planning Division creates and maintains a number of plans, studies, and reports used to guide and inform planning decisions.

Planning Maps

The Planning Division maintains a number of interactive maps related to the planning process such as a Submittals Map, Subdivision Search Map, and Flood Area Maps.