1989 – Jean Dirks and Tom Cravens

Due to the ongoing winter storm, City facilities, including City Hall and all Parks, Recreation and Culture facilities, will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 18. This is due to the forecasted winter storm resulting in dangerous travel conditions.

Read the news release for full details >>

Jean Dirks and Tom Cravens
Matt Cravens, Jeff Cravens, Rebecca Dirks

Like the founders of Lawrence, the Cravens and Dirks family trace their roots back to the East Coast. Long before 1989, when all family members first lived together in Lawrence, Tom Cravens and Jean Dirks met at Harvard University. They later married and had three children: Matthew Cravens, Jeffrey Cravens, and Rebecca (“Becca”) Dirks.

Jean Dirks, a psychologist, has done evaluations and therapy at the Bert Nash Community Mental Health Center in Lawrence since 1989. It is an honor for her to do Court evaluations for Judge Jean Shepherd, and to thereby work toward reducing child abuse and child neglect. Jean Dirks also works with developmentally disabled clients, and puts out the yearly Program Summaries booklet for the Unitarian Fellowship of Lawrence. She especially enjoys spending time with her children.

Tom Cravens is a Professor of Physics at the University of Kansas, and the author of Physics of Solar System Plasmas. In 2005, Tom received the Higuchi-Endowment Association Research Achievement Award in Basic Sciences (the Olin Petefish Award). This is awarded to only one professor each year in Kansas. In between attending KU basketball games, Lawrence school events, and being an Assistant Scoutmaster in Troop 53, Tom ate at almost every restaurant in Lawrence with his wife Jean.

Matthew Cravens became an Eagle Scout, and later graduated from Tufts University in Massachusetts, where his thesis won highest honors. He was also treasurer of the Tufts University Democrats. After working at the Urban Institute in Washington D.C., Matthew studied political psychology in graduate school. That field reflects his sunny intrapersonal skills, and the political awareness that was honed earlier by Lawrence High School’s Model United Nations club, sponsored by teacher Mike Ortmann.

Jeffrey Cravens was an Eagle Scout, a 2002 Lawrence High School graduation speaker, and an English major at the University of Michigan, where he won a Hopwood Award for writing. Jeffrey later taught high school English in New York City, while taking graduate school classes. His work as a teacher illustrates the passion he developed in college for working with youth and working toward a better society.

Becca Dirks, not to be outdone by her brothers, earned a 4.0 grade point average at Southwest Junior High School and Lawrence High School, volunteered extensively at the Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen (LINK), and was a National Merit Scholar. Becca has a flair for math and science, as well as a thoughtful and empathetic personality. She attends Washington University in St. Louis, and is considering a career in science.

While growing up, Matt, Jeff and Becca benefited from Lawrence High School’s excellent education, and they each enjoyed being in the L.H.S. marching band, jazz band, or Showtime. Who can forget the L.H.S. band in their white and black uniforms, marching in all weathers, including blazing heat, nice fall days and freezing rain?

Now, the Cravens and Dirks family stretches from the Midwest to the Big Apple, but their first and dearest home will always be Lawrence, Kan.

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