Bike Share Feasibility Study

Due to the ongoing winter storm, City facilities, including City Hall and all Parks, Recreation and Culture facilities, will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 18. This is due to the forecasted winter storm resulting in dangerous travel conditions.

Read the news release for full details >>

The Lawrence-Douglas County MPO engaged Toole Design Group (TDG) to assist the MPO in exploring options for a bike share program in Lawrence, Kansas.  The feasibility study provides an overview of what a bike share system could look like in terms of its users, its size, phasing, and cost, as well as providing financial estimates for capital purchases and operating costs.

The plan includes:

  • An analysis of current industry trends
  • An analysis of community
  • Public and stakeholder outreach
  • An analysis of feasibility
  • System planning
  • A recommended governance structure
  • A financial analysis

Steering Committee

The study was completed in December 2016.