Public Participation




Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Organization
PO Box 708
Lawrence, KS 66044-0708

Participate in a Survey

Public participation is an integral part of the overall transportation planning process. The information and perspectives provided through the public participation process assist decision makers and lead to a more meaningful and comprehensive planning process.

A public review and comment period is provided for all updates and major amendments to the core transportation planning documents for which the MPO is responsible (UPWP, MTP and TIP). Opportunities to become involved in the transportation planning process are listed below.

Public Review and Comment Opportunities

2025 UPWP Notice / 2025 Unified Planning Work Program
(Public Comment Period October 1-31) Pending MPO Policy Board approval on November 21, 2024)

2025 Safety Performance Measure Targets – Public Comment Period October 8 – 23th . To be considered by MPO Policy Board on November 21

2025-2028 TIP Draft – Public comment available August 27 – September 27

Draft to be considered by MPO Policy Board on October 17, 2024

Please check back for future engagement opportunities.


Public Participation Plan

The Public Participation Plan serves as a guide to improve the process for involving you in regional transportation decision-making. It is the goal of the L-DC MPO to establish a process that is effective and meaningful for citizens in order to engage them in regional transportation planning activities. This plan outlines the preferred public input procedures, processes, and techniques for use in regional transportation planning issues.

Public Participation Plan  – MPO Policy Board approved on March 17, 2022

Limited English Proficiency Plan

The Limited English Proficiency Plan serves as a guide to identify the extent of LEP individuals in the region and identify ways that the MPO can reduce and/or eliminate the barriers to LEP individuals within the transportation planning process. This plan outlines the MPOs process for addressing the mix of services that will be provided to engage LEP individuals.

Limited English Proficiency Plan – MPO Policy Board approved August 18, 2022

I Speak Cards

Title VI Program Manual

The Title VI Program Manual outlines the responsibilities of the MPO to ensure compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and identifies the procedures to address complaints related to Title VI.

Title VI Program Manual – MPO Policy Board approved November 17, 2022

Title VI Notice to the Public

KDOT Title VI Brochure – English

Folleto del Título VI del KDOT – Español

Visit find more information.

Get Involved

Still have a question or want to become more involved? Sign up to receive customized e-mail subscriptions, contact a transportation planner, or participate in the Tell Us portal.